What is Chaverim?
Chaverim is a fun (and free) way to explore Judaism with your kids and grandkids. We read books about the holidays and explore the rhythms of the Jewish calendar, practice prayers, and learn some Hebrew words and letters of the alphabet. We discuss what the holidays, rituals, and prayers mean to each of us, and talk about what it means to be Jewish. We do crafts, music, and games and always celebrate Shabbat by lighting candles, eating challah, and having grape juice. Activities are geared towards children ages 2-7 and a grownup/family member has to come along. Younger/older children and siblings are also welcome to participate.
Non-Members are welcome!
2024-2025 Chaverim Schedule​
Sunday, Sept 15: 10:30 to Noon
Sunday, Oct 13: 10:00 to Noon for Sukkah Decorating
Sunday, Nov 17: 10:30 to Noon
Sunday, Dec 15: 10:30 to Noon
Sunday, Jan 9: 10:30 to Noon
Sunday, Feb 16: 10:30 to Noon
Sunday, Mar 16: 10:30 to Noon
Sunday, Apr 20: 10:30 to Noon
Sunday, May 18: 10:30 to Noon
Sunday, Jun 15: 10:30 to Noon
Chaverim meets at the JCNP Community Center
30 North Chestnut Street in New Paltz

Chanukah candle making at the JCNP Community Center